Saturday, April 12, 2014


RELIC HUNTER #5: SEARCH FOR MR. FOX "I dont know what you are taking about", Mr. Fox would say, when questioned about his daughters recent activities. "Dont lie to me, American!" the soldier would bark, as he slapped Mr. Fox, hard, across the face. "Tel me what I want to know". "I wish I did know" Mr. Fox would say, while blood began trickling down his face, from his mouth. The soldier barked "Tell me of Sydney Foxes missions, for your pathetic military". "My daughter does not share her day-to-day, with me, anymore. She is a grown wom-" SLAP! The soldiers hand would strike Mr. Fox, hard enough to twist his head. "Your country has invaded mine! and others. You claim you bring "Democracy", but what you bring are tanks, machine guns, attack helicopters, and death. You pound our governments into the ground, and you dare call it "Liberation"?! The soldier then rammed a fist into Mr. Foxes stomach, growling "You will tell me your daughters actions, or you will die, like the "American" (the man spit out the word) dog you are". In all honesty, except for a brief, private, mission, to help some monks, a while back, Syd, and her father, had really not stayed in contact, over the years. The question was: HOW to explain this to a soldier, who hated America, ever since that day, a week ago, when an American missile blasted a local, grade, school, to bits, instead of hitting its intended target. The school had erupted, in an inferno, while witnesses watched, in horror, as burning bodies were flung, in all directions. This, while an U.S. Air Force jet orbited, overhead. As the air force jet orbited, the plume, of smoke, and fire, dozens of parents, would feel their hearts "die", as the fire consumed their children. To the locals, the orbiting fighter pilot seemed like a preditor, admiring his kill. On the ground, a soldier watched, his gut tied in knots, as he thought he heard one of his children cry out, from within the flames. No one could get near the flames, though, due to the temperature of the explosive. As the town watched its children die, by American hands, the words "DEATH to America" was carved into their souls, just as images are carved into stone, with chisels. Back in America, at university, Professor Sydney Fox was lecturing about the importance of honesty, in Archeology. She would tell her class "It is important to remember that, in Archeology, and in Ancient Studies, we will act as guides, for others to follow. IF our followers lose respect for us, then we have failed in our goal".. "What I am talking about is Integrity. If anyone thinks, even for a moment, that a moment, in the "lime-light", is worth faking finds, then no one will trust us, when the realy BIG finds come along. It is important that we UN-cover history, not write it. Writing is what poets, and authors, do. Our job is to discover, and preserve, intact, what history has to show us." Her students had been "getting the message", during the past, class session, and this one. This is because Professor Fox had DIS-allowed several finds, since the alleged "artifacts" could have been purchased, brand new, at local, dollar, stores. Professor Foxes concern had been that her students had, in fact, done just that. The students had gone to stores, bought cheap items, then "salted" the site, so as to be abe to "find" the items, later. Sydney Fox knew that, if she had such concerns, that her collegues would, never, accept the "evidence", either. This is why Professor Fox had added "Ethics", to her Ancient Studies class. After class, in her office, Syd found an e-mail, from a collegue, who wanted her to discover if a vase was as old as it looked, or if it was just a good imitation. Syd had no-sooner, e-mailed the teacher, saying she would do what she could, when Nigel wrapped on the office door, asking "Syd, got a minute?" Not looking up, Syd said "Not right now. I have some other items to go over". This is when a familiar voice asked "Not even for a friend?", Syd knew that voice. The voice she knew, as a friend, companion, and much more. Syd had come to know, respect, and even care for, the man, since, even though he was a career military officer, he retained his humanity. He respected his superiors, yet he treated guests, like friends and neighbors. After the Area 51 adventure, Syd, and the army commander, had taken a few days off, and just "relaxed". What had surprised Syd, about "rest time" was how this man had not "droned", about marriage, or family. He not only told Syd that he admired her career, but that their own, first, meeting, was helping advance his own career. To Syd's surprise, this man had taken the time to research Syd's background. He had, then, told her of his own plans, for the future, and had asked Syd about her own plans. Damn! Why did she have to feel so good, when she was cose to him? Coming back to the present, Syd gave the commander a big, bright, smile, as she embraced him, asking "Now, WHAT can I do for you, big boy?" When he said "Oooo, that sounds tempting", Nigel was about to bbail out, on the two, when Syd regained herself, asking What CAN I do for you?" The army commander said "You can help me find your father" When Syd was like "My dad? Whats he into this time?", the army commander would say "We had a report that something unusual was happening. The CIA asked your father to take a look, since you were pre-occupied, at Area 51. We had an observer, with him, to assist him" When Syd asked And?", the army commanders voice went low, and sincere, as he reported "The observers body was found, this morning. It was sealed in a waterproof bag. He appears to have been tortured". This is when Syd went into "Archeologist" mode, asking "Just what was it you wanted my father to check into?" The army commander would say "We have found some ruins, which no one knew about. It seems that a team had been sent into an area, to clear a new L.Z. (landing zone) . The area was supposed to have been deserted, for centuries. According to reports, though, as the team cleared the area, they discovered "things", carvings, which the team could not explain. Your father was asked to consult. When he agreed, things were set up, and the investigation went forward". The way Syd said "And?", Nigel knew there was more, something bad, coming up. The army commander said "The two of them were on their way, on a highway, when transponders, GPS, everything, just stopped working". When Syd asked "What about the body? Any notes, or anything else?", this is when the army commander would say "Just this. It was inside the outer bag, inside another, also waterproof, bag." When Syd asked "What does it say?", the army commander held up the copy, and handed it to Syd. Syd read "American dogs, you have murdered our children, and will, now, PAY! We demand the following: Complete, and permanent, withdrawal, of your murdering hordes, from our lands. These "dogs", you call "soldiers", but we call invaders. We also demand the delivery of one Professor Sydney Fox, at a time, and place, of our choosing". When the army commander said "Ofcourse, we will, never, agree to their demand, for withdrawall", Nigel asked "About the murdered children, you dont suppose..." The army commander said "I'm afraid so. It seems that an air force jet was supposed to bomb a selected target, but his missile guidance failed..." "And blew up a grade school", Nigel concluded. Reports have as many as two hundred possibly dead". "A tragedy, for sure" the army commander said "But I was sent to enlist Syds, sorry, Professor Foxes, help, in locating her father". This is when Nigel reminded both of them "You Do know that anti-American violence, in that area, of the world, has escalated, even beyond the level seen in the initial invasion of Afghanistan". The commander said "Yes, I know. Violence is WAY up." Nigel would add "By about 2,000 percent". The army commander agreed. This is when Syd asked "How do you plan to get us into such an area, when the locals hate Americans worse than the Taliban?" The army commander said "We have a base. We will fly in, then drive to our destination. Once we find yoour father, we go to the L.Z., find out what spooked our engineers, assess any threat, then return to the states". When Nigel added "You do know that Americans are being told to leave the area, dont you?" The army commander would say "Our base is secure. We should have no problems". Prior to departure, Syd and Nigel tuned in, via the internet, to find that the "situation" had deteriorated, even further. According to a reporter, dressed in combat gear, "The situation grows worse, by the hour. Anti-American forces have launched savage waves, of human attacks, on any places where Americans, or the flag, are reported to be. Homes, businesses, and even markets, which catered to Americans, are being levelled, in violence not seen since the initaial, violent, invasion, by American forces". Syd and Nigel watched, as someone "hacked" the signal, covering the title, of the news station, with "DEATH to AMERICAN MURDERERS". As the reporter listened, to her earpiece, she reported "American troops are being overwhelmed by protestors. This would seem to be a reprisal, for the American bombing, of a grade school, in what the Pentagon is calling an "un-fortunate accident". In a rare display, of her field training, Syd would have Nigel grab some extra bbags, which Syd would, then, proceed to fill, with weapons, from past centuries. Ten hours later, on-board an air force cargo plane, bbound for the area, more bad news, from the ground. "Camps Liberty, and Victory, overrun. Repeat overrun. Freedom Airfield has fallen. Insurgents in total control.. U.S. forces evacuating. ALL incoming aircraft divert to either England, or Germany. Middle East is NOT, repeat, NOT secure". When Nigel asked "What does that mean? Not secure?" the army commander woulld say "Our forces have been routed. We no-longer have a local landing field". When Syd asked "Does that mean?" the army commander would say "Afraid so. Heavy, saturation, bombing. Washington wont stop until land has been re-claimed". When Syd added "No matter how many LIVES it costs", the army commander would say "Afraid so". Diverting, first, to England, the plane would find itself facing hours, of wait, as MediVac planes broought in what was left, of America's Middle East invasion forces. When they realized how very LONG the wait might be, the pilots had the plane diverted to Italy, where more forces were piling in.. Facing another, prolonged wait, the pilots, again, diverted, this time to its final destination: Germany. It was only on Duetchland soil that the cargo plane would, finally, touch down. When the army commander checked in, the news was worse than before. As B-2 stealth bombers were sent in, to drop ordinance, on "hostiles", "insugents" coountered with RPG's, and bazooka's. Even stealth technology could not hide from the human eye. As American bombers were shot down, older, longer, and bigger, bombers, were sent in, to dump every weapon, in America's arsenal, on "insurgents". Eight days after the school was bombed, the score was: America: one school building, with about 100 in attendance. and about 700 suicide bombers, as part of a "human wave", against the Americans. Insurgents: Atleast 50 bombers shot down, as well as maybe 150 fighter craft. As many as 2,000 invaders killed. Syd wondered if her group should wait until after Washington finished bombing the Middle East back into subservience to "Democracy", before her group proceeded. Fortunately, though, the army commander had "contacts", so he could lead the relic hunters past as few possible kill fields as he could. Disguised as German, travelling, merchants, th convoy cruised past places, where the battle raged, with death, and fury. Both SYd and Nigel hated battle, and war, but they had to go where the work was. The battle, being waged, was, no-doubt, savage, but it was a question of who was winning. Especially based upon the amount of death the group was seeing. The worst part was when they had to drive past villages, reduced to rubble, by the U.S. Air Force, and the rellic hunters had to look into the faces, of the children, who screamed, and cried, for parents, dead, and buried under rubble. One childs hand had to be pried from its grip, on its dead mothers hand. The chid screamed, bloody murder, as it was lead away. While watching this horror, the convoy was stopped, mulltiple times, for "security checks", and none of the team felt anything, as locals shouted "DEATH to America". Syd noticed that, even the army commander said nothing, but just looked on, and Syd knew he felt as sick, as she, and Nigel, had. When the convoy reached the area, it would roll up to a heavily fortified cave, where the team would dis-mount, and head inside. Syd hoped for an update, saying her father was alive. As the group past the command center, on their way to briefing, Syd heard an officer, on a phone, saying "Listen to me. The more we bomb these people, the worse the violence is becoming. We have to let this burn itself out". Over the speakers, another voice could be heard saying "Negative, orders are to continue bombing, until order is restored". When the officer said "At this rate, there wont be anything left, to restore", the voice said "We will restore Democracy, no matter how many bombs it takes". The officer surprised Syd by saying "I am opposed. I want it on the record. Let it burn itself oout" the voice said "Negative, you are relieved, of command. Have your second assume command". When Syd searched the space, for who the "second" was, she found a thirties-aged woman, face ful of sadness, as she shook her head, and handed her side-arm to an M.P. Syds concern was then, multiplied, by 1,000, as the next, senior, officer announced "Excellent. Calll up all weapons. Lets show these turkeys what America is capable of". Syd noticed that no one, in the space said a word. They just looked, on their new commander, then returned to their duties. When Syd joined her team, in the "conference room", the ranking officer said "Before we begin, Professor Fox, I have something I want you to hear". This would be a recording, of a pilots voice, saying "Oh, my god, NO!" When another voice asked "What happened?", the pilots voice, now tinged in terror, said "My god! I just took out a school. A school, full of kids". When the other vooice said "Negative, you were locked onto target." the terrified voice said "Dont tell me what I did. I am circling, right now. I just took out a school." The voice said "Verify ", thew pilot almost screamed "God damn it! I just murdered a school." The voice said "Come home, willl verify". After that, the "base" commander said "When the pilot returned to base, he was so rattled that we sent him directly, to the base chaplian. The mans grief was incredible". When Syd asked "Where is he, now?", the "base commander" said "In the morgue". When Syd asked "Whats he doing there? more penance?" The "base" commander said "I guess so". Whe Syd questioned this, the man said "The chaplian comforted the pilot, as much as possible, while reminding the man that mistakes happen". Syd asked "What happened?", the "base" commander said "After seeing the chaplian, the pilot noticed an Al_Jazeera broadcast, which claimed that the school WAS the target, and that we were proud of "taking it out"" When Syd asked "What happened?", the "base" commanders voice went low when he said "The pilot drew his gun, said "PLease god, forgive me for what I have done". Syd was near to growling, at this point, when she asked "And?", The "base" commander said "He shot himself, through the head". When Nigel said "Talk about penance", Syd sniped "Nigel! Some respect". Nigel said "Sorry". When Syd asked the "base" commander "Why are you telling me al of this?", the commander said "We KNOW of your opposition, to the invasions. I wanted to make sure you understood that the pilot did not intend for his actions to lead to this". Syd would say "I need some time to think". After bbeing shown to her "quarters", Syd and Nigel listened as various soldiers told their versions, of the events which lead up to the current battle. Athough some small detaills varied, person to person, the basic story was the same. Pilot bombs wrong target, by accident. Returns to base, sobbing, and dis-heartened. Hears t.v. saying he was a proud murderer, then, full of tears, takes his own life. Now, radicals, on BOTH sides, were using the terrible accident, as propaganda. When Syd asked the "base" commander, for news, about her father, she was shown "Proof of Life" video, which showed Mr. Fox, severely beaten, while a soldier was saying, to the camera "WE are merciful. We did NOT murder him, in cold blood, as you did, our children". As Syd listened to the recordings, she noticed that the soldier kept slipping into the persona reference of "I", in saying how eveil the school bombing had been. When Syd asked "Can you check to see if he had children, at the school?", a lieutenant said "Already done. He HAD three children, in attendance. Video, we salvaged, verified that he was, in fact, present, during the bombing". Syd said "No wonder he wants us dead. Question is, what does he want, with me, specifically?", the lieutenant said "THAT is the one thing which we do not know, yet". For the next couple of nights, Syd found that, everytime she tried to close her eyes, all she could see was the childrens faces, as they screamed, for their parents. When a captain saw her, looking exhausted, he promised her "It wil pass". When Syd would ask "Excuse me?", the captain said "The nightmares. The bombing. Children screaming. It was the same, for all of us. For nearly three days, no one wanted to sleep, to block out the pain. I guess that proves that we are, still, human beings, even in uniform". Syd would say "I guess so". The captain was right, though. After two days, of fighting off the nightmares, Syd finally colllapsed, on her bunk, too tired to go on. When Nigel woke her, he said "They have more video". When Syd asked "Of what?", Nigel said "Your father, remember?". As Syd regained full consciousness, Nigell walked her back to the conference room, where the video was being analyzed. On the monitor, Syd saw the soldier saying "I KNOW Sydney Fox has the access. Send her to me, or her father dies, today". When the "base" commander asked "What is he talking abbout?", no one knew. When someone suggested "Why not ask Professor Fox?", Syd asked "Ask me what?" Heads turned, in her direction, while the "base" commander said "It seems he thinks you have some information, that he wants. Any idea what it is?" Syd would say "I am a professor of Archeology, teaching Ancient Studies. What I know is available to anyone, with an internet connection". Over the next few days, American bombers dropped enough explosives, on the deserts, of the Middle east, to level three, American, states. As the body count soared, on BOTH sides, Washington's ony, continuing, demand, was to "Bomb them back into submission". The problem, as reported, by the private contractors, who, now, "handled" all security matters, was that attacks, against Americans, and their representatives, was growing worse, by the hour. The more bombs America dropped, the more suicide attacks were ordered. Syd wondered HOW her father might survive this, until she could rescue him. And, WHAT was it that her taunter wanted? I couldn't be weapons, since the ony weapons Syd had access to were relics. They would be worse than useless, against tanks, and artillery. Stil, when the next "Proof of Life" video came in, the soldier proved that the now-un-conscious Mr. Fox was alive, bby shaking his head, until the man regained consciousness. After Mr. Fox said "What do you want?", the soldier looked at the camera, and said "I want Sydney Fox". When Syd sent a return message, asking "What is it you want? I am a Professor, of Archeology. I have nothing of value. WHAT do you want?" She would have to wait 24 hours, for the reply. When the reply came, Syd was astonished when the reply read "Come to (location). You and I have little talk." When Syd responded "Can the broken English, I know that you know my language, as well as you know your own" The reply was "Fine, doctor. You meet me, NO observers. We will talk, then I willl decide". Syd was tempted to ask "ON what?", but decided not to. She just wished she knew what this man wanted. Over the next 24 hours, atleast four more "Proof of Life" videos, were sent, showing Mr. Fox being beaten, mercilessly. In each video, the soldier would say "You see, we RESPECT life. We do NOT kill innocents. Those children did NOTHING to America, yet you kiled my children, anyway. Now you bomb my country, around the clock, to force us to accept your meaning of "law". The soldier then belted Mr. Fox, hard enogh to knock the man un-conscious. America wiill PAY, in blood, for what you have done, to my family." Still, none of the video spoke of what the man wanted Syd for. When Nigel suggested "A trap?", Syd said "Dont bet against it. He doesn't look rational. The deaths, of his children, have driven him to the brink of insanity. We may HAVE to take him down, to save his people". Nigel was like "I doubt that Washington will stop the bombings, just because we "take out one trouble-maker". Syd knew he was right. Washington would not end the bombing, until the Pentagon, and the defense contractors, felt that enough blood had been shed. Until Old Glory was FORCED back onto Afghani flag-poles, the bombings would continue. Syd then asked the "base" commander for a favor. "I want you to contact your superiors, and secure their permission, that, if we take this guy down, that the bombings stop, within 48 hours. Deal?' The "base" commander said "Washington will not accept that. The orders have been given. The Afghani's must BOW, to America, before the bombings stop" When Syd said "Even if my father dies, as welll?", The "base" commander would say, in a low voice, "The tragedy of war". When the soldier finaly sent directions, for where, and when, to meet, the "base" commander, and the army commander (a vet, of three tours, in this land), both said "Impossible. There are no land vehicles, which are fast enough, to meet that deadline". Syd had just asked "What about helicopters?", when the message said "NO helicopters, or jets. I see either, and Mr. Fox dies, immediately." While Syd armed herself, for the meeting, with weapons which no one would, ever suspect, her army commander friend would try to find the fastest vehicle that he could. He would have to report, though that "All roads are in a mess, right now, due to the bombing. The best we can do is this", then showed Syd an army, supply truck. Syd found out how true her friends words were, as the truck had to bounce, and swerve, as though the driver were beyond intoxicated, as he drove the beast. Most of the swerving, though was to avoid as many impact craters as possible. The bounces were from fresh holes, which the driver did not see, in time.. When the truck arrived, half an hour late, the driver, and Syd, found a note, what said "Professor Fox. You are LATE! One more, chance, though, since I am humane, in contrast to you barbaric Americans". The note ended with a new location, and the notation of 15 minutes, or else". When the driver said "Professor, even if I "floored" it, and "flew" over the craters, there is no way we can make that deadline." Syd asked that they "check it out", anyway. At the next location, Syd found her fathers "good luck" tie, with a note, saying, "Next time, be punctual, or it will be his HEAD, not his neckware". Stilll, Syd had no idea what this man wanted. What did she have that was so special? Two days later, another "Proof of Life" video was sent, and this one had Mr. Fox looking dehydrated, even as the soldier came on screen, saying "If you want him to eat, meet me at the (location), at noon". When Syd looked about her, both the "base" commander, and the driver, said it couldn't be done. "Even at top speed, Ms. Fox, we could not make the drive. Our vehicles are just not that fast". Over the next three videos, the soldier kept cutting the time, impossibly short, to the point where, after three more contacts, the driver said "Miss, we cannot even get the truck STARTED, let alone, reach the destination, in time". Finallly, Syd got on the network, and sent out her OWN message. "I dont know who you are, or what you want, but lets stop playing this "game". Come on-line, and tel me what you want". A few minutes later, an incoming message told Syd "Do NOT toy with me, American dog, I know that you have bbeen on-board two of their ships. I want the access codes, NOW!" When the "base" commander asked "What is he tallking about?", Syd asked the soldier "How do you know where I have been?", The soldier said "Do not play dumb, with me, Sydney Fox. My informant tellls me you figured out the code". When Syd asked "What code?", the soldier made a show, of slashing Mr.. Fox's arm, then asking, again "You, stilll, claim not to remember?" Syd was, still, wondering what "code" the man meant. When the man twisted Mr. Foxes arm behind him, and Syd saw the look, of pain, on her fathers face, and the soldier said "You, still, claim not to remember? Well, let me refresh your memory, "professor" Fox. (The way he said "professor", in such a mocking way, concerned Syd) You were at the American base your people call "Area 51". Right?" When Syd said "Right, under armed escort.. I was never given any codes. I was escorted everywhere." The man wrenched Mr. Fox's arm from its socket, as slowly, and painfully, as possible, as the man shouted "LIES! We know you accessed the Alteran ships. We know you can read their language, and that you know their codes". It took Sydney a moment to realize what this man was taking about. The alien ships. Syd had been a guest, aboard one, for a week, and had studied the ATHENA, as well. When Syd said "I know what I was taught, but that is all. I dont have any codes". This is when the soldier nearly smashed Mr. Fox's sku, while bashing his head against a wall, while screaming "LIAR!" When Syd shouted "What is it you want?", the soldier said "I want the codes, to calll the ship back. I want the codes, or I slit your fathers throat". The soldier said while holding a knife, to Mr. Fox's throat, in clear view of the camera. Again, Syd could not give the man what she did not have. After alll, it had been thought patterns, which the ship had recognized, not code inputs. Syd knew, however, that this man was not about to listen to facts. He wanted BLOOD! His children were dead, and he was going to make certain that an American PAID for the pain he was feeling. What Syd did not know was that, whie she was on-line, with the soldier, reconnaissance helicopters had been tracking the signal, while a ground assault force followed, awaiting the signal to attack. Syd onlly learned about the tracking when, out of the "clear blue", the sounds, of explosions, were heard, and the soldier raced out of frame, presumably to join his men. If the sounds were any indication, it would seem that a passionate confrontation was taking place, between the opposing forces. When Syd turned to the "base" commander, the man said "Sorry, but you needed to sound sincere". When another figure came into the frame, of the camera, the soldiers face was all but destroyed as he shouted "Murdering barbarians! You may have murdered my children, and myself, but I am taking this murdering American with me! Praise All-" and that is when a crack, of automatic weapons fire, took the soldier "out". Moments later, American soldiers, folowed by a medic, would examine Mr. Fox, then tell the camera "He will live", to which Mr. Fox would groan "Dont tel my daughter that". Syd, silently, groaned "Dad". Within hours, Mr. Fox was back in an American MediVac unit, with his arm back in its socket, and stitches, practically covering his body. When Syd visited him, and he asked "Is it true? Have you been on-board one of those "things"?" Syd would say "They are not "things". They are spacecraft, piloted by trained staff. Most are here just to observe". When Mr. Fox said "Most? Not all?" Syd said "Some are here to collect samples, as well." When Mr. Fox asked "What KIND of samples?" Syd could only say "The same kind of samples, which we take, in the field, to understand nature". When Mr. Fox asked "Not human cloning?", Syd was like "Dad!", then added "There are too many of us as it is. We dont need anymore". Once Mr. Fox had some pain killers, Syd stayed with him, until sleep came. After that, she went and joined Nigel, who was contemplating recent events.. Nigel would point out, to Syd "Do you think that what he did was any different from what we did, after September 11th? After all, America has been "out for blood", for over a decade". When Syd said "I dont know", the two decided to leave the question alone. After all, who was to say which, if either, side was right. On September 11, 2001, America lost nearly 3,000 ives, in a single morning. Since that time, America had taken between 300,000, and 3 million, lives, in revenge. There had to be an accounting, at some point. Perhaps this had been it. During Mr.. Fox's recovery, father and daughter would do their best to understand the task, which lay before them. This, after Mr. Fox had been debriefed, about his kidnapping. As Mr. Fox had reported "The locals were not really "friendly", since, after all, we did invade their lands, in 2002. Things did not really turn, ugly, thoough, until that air force fighter bombed the school. After that, my guide had, barelly, warned me, that we should leave the area, when my guide was seized, by locals, "convicted" of "consipiring" with an Amerian, then tortured, and executed, right before my eyes". When Syd said "Dad", Mr. Fox said "Honey, its alright. I knew we weren't wecome, in this land, but I came, anyway." Mr. Fox continued "After my guide was executed, I was taken, as a show, of what will happen, to Americans, once our heavy artillery, and troops, leave the Middle East. "IF we, ever leave", Syd would add. By the time Mr. Fox was recovered enough, to leave the infirmary, American bombs, and cruise missiles, had forced locals back into submission, to invasion forces. The death toll was beyond counting, and the re-building woould add years to the re-construction. When Mr. Fox saw Syd's face, as she looked upon the destruction, of the land, he tried to comfort her by saying WE (the Fox family) did not do this", but Syd would add "But, WE, America, did. How can we justify THIS?". Syd would ask as she waived her hand, gesturing at the devastation. Yes, American invasion might had, again, "subdued" an enraged populace, but for how long, no one could predict. Mr. Fox did his best to sooth his daughters feelings, while focusing her attention on the work, which ay ahead. If the engineers had been correct, whatever the Fox's were ooking for was "incredible". It was not, however, until a regiment, of Bradley's, Humvee's, L.A.V.'s, and about a dozen Apache attack helicopters, were assembled, that the relic hunters were allowed to set off, through the invaded lands, in search of something. Something supposedly buried under the desert sands. As if mocking the relic hunters, in their quest, the desert made short work, of burying the convoy, after it was just beyond range of the invasions forces primary base. During the storm, all the Fox's, and the soldiers, could do, was sit, and let the storm pass. When the storm did, eventually, pass, the convoy spent six hours just digging itself out, even while snow/sand plows worked to clear the road, for their passage. By the time the convoy reached the designated location, the storm had blown away the accumulated sand, and the area was as flat as a plateau. While Nigel, and Syd's army commander, went about supervising the camps set up, father and Daughter Fox surveyed the area, searching for hidden entraces. The two dug neary a dozen depressions, hoping one was an entrance, to the supposed cave. That night, as the Fox's, and Nigel Bailey, were planning for the next days work, the whole camp came "on-guard" when a shrieking growl disturbed the deserts tranquility. Everyone was concerned since no one had ever heard such a sound, and no one had any clue as to what it was. Although the desert seemed to continue to be flat, and barren, for miles, in all directions, the convoy commander, wisely, sent out patrols, to check the "perimeter". Syd just found it odd how, after the soldiers were beyond the camps ights, that the soldiers seemed to "vanish" into the dark, of the desert. Come daybreak, the convoy commander was calling the patrols, for "sit-reps", yet he was concerned when two, of the patrol, did not report in. The other units brought back shredded clothes, and weapons, which were either torn apart, or twisted, ike candy. No blood. No bodies, not even shell casings. That morning, though, Mr. Fox called Syd's attention to what looked like the mouth, of a large cave. When Mr. Fox said "Look's fresh", Syd looked closer, then said "Just dug out".. When SYd suggested "Take a look?", and Mr. Fox said "Not so fast", Syd reminded him "I'm not six years old any-", when Mr. Fox silenced Syd, then whispered "Listen", into her ear. A sound, like movement, came from within the cave, coming toward the entrance. Thinking in unison, the Fox's sought cover, abbove, and off to the side, of the cave. Although both got a clear view, of the jet black bulk, as it emerged from the cave, into the shadow of the rocks, neither recognized the "animal". When the thing seemed to sniff the air, Syd knew it was tracking a scent, and wondered if it was tracking THEM! Mr. Fox would whisper "Un-bbelieveabe", as the creatures bulk changed its color, from the dark color, of the cave, to "desert tan", as it moved out, and away, from the cave. The creature moved off, either un-aware, of the Fox's, or not caring, as it strode off, into the distannce. When the creature was far enough away, Mr. Fox whispered "Careful, honey", to which Syd whispered "Dad, I'm not a child, anymore". Mr. Ofx would say "Sorry, honey. To me, you will, always, be my little girl". As the two moved into the cave, they did find some unusual cave art. As though taken from movies, such as "Stargate", and othhers, the art depicted ships, and soldiers, coming for locals. (The same story which was reported being found in various places, all over the world). When Mr. Fox asked "Your new "friends"?", Syd, then added "Dad, the group I was with were scientists, just ike us". When Mr. Fox asked "Then, who?", Syd heard the vooice whisper, again "Remember", softly in her ear. While her father watched, Syd slipped into another "memory", and watched as just three grooups, out of dozens, used really aggressiive techhniques, to "collect samples". The other, more passive, groups, went about their work, with far more deicacy. Syd then "saw" how, when a ship came to this area, that locals thought it was a demon, and attacked the ship. The scientists did what they could, including sending out security forces, to repel the terrified locals, while the ship ascended, to the safety of the sky. Once airborne, the scientists "collected" their security guards, via a "transporter beam". The cave paintings were locals distorted version, of a field survey. When Syd opened her eyes, her father would ask "Honey, you okay?" When Syd would smile, saying "Fine, dad", then she would go on, to relate the true meaning, of the paintings, Mr. Fox would ask "Are you sure? Could these be false memories? Planted, just to make us THINK they are nice?" Syd would say "I dont sense any deception. The memories seem honest". As the twoo continued to search the cave, they would be surprised to find living spaces, human living spaces. Question was: HOW could there be human iving spaces, in the lair of a beast? Both relic hunters susected some form, of jail, but could find no means of containment. Besides, the spaces were far too large for cells. These were living quarters. Certainy, none of this could have scared off army engineers. This eft the question of "WHAT had scared them?" The answer came, in another chamber space. In this place, there were "altars/tables" carved out of the stone.. This pace also had paintings. When Mr. Fox first looked at the paintings, his thought was "human sacrifice", maybe even "cannibalism". Syd reaized how easy this would be, to interpret, with some drawings seeming to show human body parts, inside human bodies. When Syd studies the paintings, closer, though, what seemed like ritual sacrifice, ecame something else.. Syd began to wonder, then asked her father "Dad, take a closer look, and tell me what you see". When Mr. Fox did take a closer look, he asked "Honey, what do YOU see?" Syd looked at a painting, for several moments, then said "I think this was an operating room. I think those are directions, for a C-section". She then looked at another section, and said "This seems to say "How to remove a imb". When Mr. Fox said "Honey, these people didn't know about surgery, until we brought it, to them". Thats when Syd said "Dad, thats only the official, Christian, version, of history". When Mr. Fox said "okay, honey. Then, what happened to the people? That beast?" Syd said "I dont think so. No evidence of a struggle, right?" Mr. Fox agreed. This is when Syd suggested "What if the people moved on, and our "friend", out there, just moved into the vacant space?" Just thhen, as the two were considering this, they heard the creatures footsteps, on the approach. When Syd asked "What do we do?", Mr. Fox suggested "Wait for it to get comfortable, then slip past". Wouldn't you know it, though, the creature would decide to nap across the entry way. This left the relic hunters only one way to go. Farther into the cave. Along the way, father and daughter, were surprised to find weapons ockers, and what appearred to be "storerooms". They aso found more cave "art", which Syd suspected were really instructions manuals. The two also found foot paths, and, eventually, a cavern, with a waterway, flowing down its center. They also found what appearred to be boat launching stations, carved out of the stone. This is when the relic hunters agreed that the people, of this area, were neither "aliens", nor primitives. But, WHO were they? Foollowing the waterway, for some distance, the relic hunters woould come upon a passge, which lead up. With Mr. Fox in the lead, the two would cimb the passage, with their way being "lit" by something in the stone. After climbing a distance, the pair came to the nd of the passage, where Mr. Fox would ask "Why bother with so much digging, only to stop?" When Syd took out her "commando" knife, and said "Try this", Mr Fox slid the bblade into the soil, and began to dig. Sure, the relic hunters got ccovered, in sand, but they felt sure that they were making progress.. That is, until Mr. Fox struck a sheet of metal. Since nothing was heard, from beyond the metal, Mr. Fox muscled, and bagned, the sheet, until it gave way. A moment ater, Syd watched as her father stopped climbing, in mid-step. Inside the conference room, of a re-taken Camp Victory, a major was brieifing his patrol, before their next shift. Camp Victory had been "re-taken", but only at a very bloody cost. Over 100 bombs had been dropped, and, along with heavy machine gun fire, no "insurgents" had been left alive. Still, the camp motto was "Vigilence". Locals were, now, barred from the camp, and everyone was strip-searched, before entering the camp. COmmand had made one thing clear. Camp Victory was, NEVER, to fal, to "hostiles", (locals), again. This is why the briefings were more intense, about detecting activity. When the ranking officer said "Use whatever force you must, but keep this base secure". A captain asked "What about the locals? They were just beginning to trust us, before the bombing". The officer said "Forget about trust, or even friendship. These are enemy fighters, and wil be treated as such". When the captain began to say "But, sir, I que-", when a floor panel began to be pounded upon. Although the detail was curious, about the noise, the ranking officer said "Its an attack!" A moment later, more than a dozen M-16's were aimed, at the floor panel, as it slid aside, and a figure rose, part way, into the room. Once his eyes adjusted to the light, of the room, Mr. Fox would say "Hi, fella's. Hey, dont shoot". When a soldier came forward, asking "Mr. Fox?', the man said "Thats me. Hold your fire. My daughter is coming up, next". Within an hour, and cleaned up, the relic hunters reported in, to the convoy commander, via radio. They, then, wrote out their report, of their findings, in the cave. When the engineers said "You survived the "sacrifice" cave?", Syd corrected the engineer, saying "Not "sacrifice". I believe that it was an operating room". It was only 12 hours after the Fox's verified the location, of the cave entrance, that Syd got the report. The creature had been gassed, and caged.. The cave was, currently, being "swept" for bombs. On the surface, though, life was not much better. Two villages were ordered shelled, and bombed, when locals rejected "Democracy", in favor of Islam. After twenty-four hours, of round-the-clock bombardment, the vilages were "pacified". (Vilagers had abandoned homes, and businesses, for the safety of the desert). Yes, the area was "pacified", and al "insurgents" were routed. By the time al of this was done, though, the viillage was deserted, except for the presense of American invasion troops. Syd would have taken all of this up, with the operations commander, but her father calmed her, saying "Honey, he's just following orders. Its not his fault.." Syd hated to agree, but she knew her father was right. The two Fox's, and Nigel Bailey, stayed on, for awhile longer, to aid with translations, while Syd's army commander returned to the states, for another assignment. He did proomise Syd, though, that, once she was statesside, again, the army commander stop by. After that, he looked at Mr. Fox, saying "With your permission, sir, ofcourse". Mr. Fox would say "My little girl has grown up. She can take care of herself. She doesn't need her dad's permission, anyonger". Before he departed, as well, Syd asked her father "Lets keep in touch, shall we?". Mr. Fox would respond "Sure thing, scrunchy", to which Syd would respond "Dad!".

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